ダーク ライナース
Optimizing and Integrating Static and Dynamic Objects
and A Direct-Interactive Dynamic Form Synthesizer
Abstract:This report describes the work that I did during my 6 months stay at the Advanced Telecommunication Research Laboratories Media Integration and Communication Labs (ATR-MIC) in Kyoto, Japan. I was sent there from the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt, Germany, where I was working in the department for Visualisation and Virtual Reality pursuing a PhD in computer science.
The purpose of my visit was twofold. On the one hand, I was asked to use my expertise in high-quality, high-speed rendering to optimize and integrate different pieces of interactive computer art together with the artists Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau. As a result of this work the piece 'MIC Exploration Space II - The Garden' described in chapter 3 was created and exhibited very successfully at the ACM's annual computer graphics conference SIGGRAPH in New Orleans from Aug 4th to Aug 9th, 1996, and in an enhanced incarnation at the annual ATR Open House on Nov 7th/8th, 1996.
The second aspect was to jointly develop their artistic ideas in a scientific direction. This was done in the form of a new paradigm for the creation of computer graphics forms that actively encourages the creation of direct interactive objects, which mediate a very organic and natural interaction, described in chapter 4.