TR-I-0074 :February 23, 1989

John K. Myers

The ATMS Manual Version 1.1

Abstract:This manual presents user documentation for the ATR Interpreting Telephony Research Laboratories LISP ATMS. The ATMS, or "Assumption-based Truth Maintenance System", is a data-base that is able to represent and store concepts (atms-nodes) and constraints between these concepts (implications). Some concepts are assumed by the user. Depending upon whether these assumptions are BELIEVED or NOT BELIEVED, different multiple possible worlds known as environments are set up. In addition to storing data and implications, the ATMS performs "truth maintenance"--if any concept or set of concepts becomes inconsistent, the effects of this change are propagated through implications to other concepts that might become inconsistent, thus "maintaining the truth" of the system as a whole. Also, the ATMS offers explanations as to why concepts are believed in a particular possible world. The ATMS was developed to enable ATR to have modifiable LISP source code to an assumption-based TMS. This was required for performing plan recognition using an ATMS. The ATMS is a general-purpose system that can work with any application that requires an assumption-based truth maintenance system; it is not limited to plan-recognition applications. The current version of the ATMS supports various assertion, query, explanation, and output functions for the user.