TR-A-0056 :1989.7.26

Mitsuo KAWATO, Yoshiharu MAEDA*, Yoji UNO** and Ryoji SUZUKI**

Trajectory Formation of Arm Movement by Cascade Neural Network Model Based on Minimum Torque-change Criterion

Abstract:We proposed that the trajectory followed by human subject arms tended to minimize the time integral of the square of the rate of change of torque (Uno, Kawato, Suzuki, 1987). This minimum torque-change model predicted and reproduced human multi-joint movement data quite well (Uno, Kawato, Suzuki, 1989). Here, we propose a neural network model for trajectory formation based on the minimum torque-change criterion. Basic ideas of information representation and algorithm are (i) spatial representation of time, (ii) learning of forward dynamics and kinematics model and (iii) relaxation computation based on the acquired model. Operations of this network are divided into the learning phase and the pattern-generating phase. In the learning phase, this network acquires a forward model of the multi-degrees-of-freedom controlled object while monitoring the actual trajectory as a teaching signal. In particular, it learns a vector field of the ordinary differential equation which describes the dynamics of the controlled object. Correspondingly, the network structure is a cascade of many identical network units, each of which approximates the vector field. In the pattern-generating phase, electrical coupling between neurons representing motor commands at neighboring times is activated to guarantee the minimum torque-change criterion. The network changes its state autonomously by forward calculation through the cascade structure, and by error backpropagation based on the acquired model. At the stable equilibrium state with minimum energy, the network outputs the torque which realizes the minimum torque-change trajectory. The model can resolve ill-posed inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics problems for redundant controlled objects as well as ill-posed trajectory formation problems. By computer simulation, we show that the model can produce a multi-joint arm trajectory while avoiding obstacles or passing through via-points.