Department of Vision Dynamics
Human Information Science Laboratories

1. Introduction
Smooth communication in various daily situations is based on seeing faces and hearing voices. In our department, we are carrying out research on human communicative behavior utilizing psychological and engineering approaches. In this article, I would like to introduce recent research activities investigating human processing of the information received from other people's faces and voices, and characteristics of perception/cognition using that information.

2. “Stillness” and “dynamics” on faces
By paying even a little attention to faces and voices, you would easily notice that our faces are always moving and also our voices are always changing. However, the face itself has particular characteristics, whereby even a single still photograph can deliver a variety of information such as “is this person male or female?”, “how old is this person?”, “do I know this person?” and “if so, who is it?” etc. I can tell as a human vision researcher that this system of human face perception is quite unique, since the system can discriminate the pattern immediately only from slight differences in basically the same static pattern of “two eyes at the top, then below the eyes are a nose and a mouth.” Therefore, it may be no exaggeration to say that the research field of faces has witnessed dramatic development, specializing in information derived from static images.
  In the past, these functions of human processing had been investigated mainly with respect to “identification of the person,” “facial expressions,” and “attributes such as age” using static 2D or 3D facial patterns. In contrast, our project is focused on the human perception of facial “movement.”
  As mentioned above, there is a broad range of information that can be encoded from a single picture. However, there also exist cases where dynamic information is necessary to facilitate such human functions of processing, or it is necessary since static information cannot cover an entire processing. For example, movement may be necessary to understand “what is being said,” “changes of expression,” and “change of attention direction by eye-gaze.” By focusing on dynamic facial information, research progressed into the issue of matching facial movement with our “voice,” another important source of information received from faces.

3. Face and voice
“Hearing the speech contents” is one topic heavily focused on in the research field of voice perception. “The McGurk effect” clearly shows that seeing lip movement can affect voice perception [1]. For example, something magical happens in looking at a face saying /ga/ while hearing a voice saying /ba/ at the same time: it produces the perception of a sound that is almost /da/. What we can understand from this kind of illusion is that we perceive things not based on what we see and what we hear individually but by integrating that information multi-modally.
  However, the human ability to process the integration of faces and voices is not limited to hearing speech contents. Our group is studying speaker identification from faces and voices. As mentioned before, historically research has focused thus far on static properties of person identification; however, recent research reveals that we can identify familiar people by facial movement information. For instance, so-called biological motion (point-light motion on the surface of the face), or a degraded monochrome movie can be useful for identifying a person.
  Additionally, in our own series of studies, we have shown facial movies taken from unknown people followed by presenting unknown voices to our participants to determine if they could judge whether the speakers are the same person or not [3]. The most interesting finding from this study is that the information coded uni-modally, a face or a voice, can be matched by the other modality of information, even though there is a delay in the timing of presentation. Moreover, information useful for person identification is involved in both “faces and voices,” and this information can be shared multi-modally. From the experimental results, we concluded that the possible case of information matching between two modalities is inherently dynamical and not available from a static image (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Results of face-voice matching tasks.

4. Human eye-gaze
Beginning in 2003, I commenced a contract research entitled “Research and Development of Eye-gaze Perception and Control Model” with the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications on their Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Programme. The whites of human eyes produce a strong contrast with the pupils, and this cannot be seen in the eyes of other nonhuman primates, and in light of this fact, detection of the eye-gaze direction is relatively easy to do [4]. How accurately can we detect another person's eye-gaze direction in the first place? Figure 2 shows an example. The eyes in the two faces are exactly the same image but those two faces produce feelings of different eye-gaze direction. The left face seems to be looking to your right, whereas the right face seems to be looking directly at you. As this example shows, the perceived eye-gaze direction is affected not only by the eyes but also by the direction of the whole head or a body part. I am continuing with research on the function of human eye-gaze perception in a dynamic environment. The goal of this research is to establish a basis for human interface technology supporting natural and optimal presentation.

Fig. 2. From Wollaston (1824).

[1] McGurk, H.a.M. (1976). Hearing lips and seeing voices. Nature, 264, 746-748.
[2] Munhall, K., and Vatikiotis-Bateson, E. (1998). The moving face during speech communication. In R. Campbell, B. Dodd, and D. Burnham (eds.), Hearing by Eye, Part 2, (pp.123-139). London: Taylor & Francis - Psychology Press.
[3] Kamachi, M., Hill, H., Lander, K., & Vatikiotis-Bateson, E. (2003). Putting the face to the voice: Matching identity across modality. Current Biology, 13, 1709-1714.
[4] Kobayashi, H. & Kohshima, S. (1997). Unique morphology of the human eye. Nature, 387, 767 - 768.