TR-M-0052 :2000.5.1

Anne Mette Thorhauge, Ryohei NAKATSU

Interactive stories in terms of form and engagement

Abstract:My main focus is directed towards the formal and structural aspects of the interactive story as it might appear in different contexts (games, learning environments and the like). Thus my aim has been to discuss and define some of the elements that (might) constitute and shape the interactive story - a task that obviously involve considerations concerning the organization of a story environments as well as the ways in which the participant might interact with these.

Due to the kindness of several benefactors I have had the opportunity to spend three months of work at the busy locales of MIC. First and foremost Dr. Ryohei Nakatsu has kindly accepted my presence in these surroundings. Furthermore Tele Denmark has consented to pay my expenses during my stay as well as the University of Copenhagen has added the means necessary to purchase the airplane ticket. Jointly, this has made possible three inspiring and eventful months from which I will surely benefit now and in the future. In the present report I will present my work as it has taken form during my stay. Hopefully the different parties making this work possible will as well gain from its different parts. I will begin this report with an introduction to MIC followed by a description of my activities at this place. Subsequently I will conduct a more detailed discussion of the theoretical perspectives present in my field of interest: the interactive story. In order to make this report a manageable reading experience I shall try to stay within a reasonable number of pages.