TR-IT-0150 :March 1996


Japanese Discourse Representation using Communicative Act Labels

Abstract:We previously investigated Japanese and English utterances focusing on their Communicative Acts, and presented a paraphrase-based methodology for discovering and revising sets of cue-based CAs for labeling spontaneous dialogues. This report extends the investigation of automatic CA analysis in two directions. First, we note a significant relation between segmentation based upon cue patterns and segmentation based upon natural pauses: 77% of the pause-bounded segments in our corpus coincide with segments defined by CAs. Second, we describe attempts to parse CA groupings, and thus to analyze discourse structures, using context-free rules. Experiments on ten spontaneous Japanese dialogues show that the obtained groupings are useful for resolution of referring expressions of ellipses and that pro-forms and their referents fall within certain groupings about 78.5% of the time.

Keywords: communicative goal, pause, CA units, pause units, discourse structure, representation, speech act