Pattern-based approach
to interactive disambiguation:
first definition and experimentation
Abstract:The aim of this document is to have the reader acquire a clear view of the pattern-based
interactive disambiguation process developed.
The kernel of the disambiguation process has two main entries: the data produced by an
analyser and some sets of patterns describing the ambiguities to be recognized and solved.
The kernel is thus language independent, which means that disambiguation processes can
be developed for other languages using the methodology we used to develop an
interactive disambiguation process for French input.
The first part of the document gives a brief description of the LIDIA-1.0 mockup to situate
the disambiguation process.
The second part of the document is an in-depth study of the design of the disambiguation
process. This part is an important update and correction of [Blanchon 1994a] which is
released in French. This work has been done at ATR.
The Appendix A gives a linguistic classification of the ambiguities we have to solve in the
field of Natural Language Processing.
The Appendix B gives a description of the structure produced by the analyzer used in the
framework of the development of the LIDIA-1.0 mockup.
The Appendix C gives the list and the meaning of the labels produced by the analyzer
which are relevant to the disambiguation process.