TR-I-0368 :March 12, 1993

John K. Myers

ABDUCK 会話理解システムの概要

Abstract:This paper offers a final report of the research results achieved so far by the author in natural- language understanding for automatic interpreting telephone applications. The ABDUCK system is designed to accept ambiguous surface-semantic feature-structure candidates output from the parser, understand and disambiguate the utterance, and give as output directly to the transfer module feature-structure representations of the utterance at the surface-semantic, deep-semantic ("real meaning"), and illocutionary-force ("speech act") levels of representation. This results in a significantly more natural translation. For instance, the system can understand unagi-da sentences and the different meanings of "hai" and "wakarimashita". A previous paper has discussed the theory of the system. This report presents the results of the ABDUCK understanding/disambiguation system.