TR-I-0182_appendix :1990. 7

Terumasa EHARA, Tetsuo UMEDA, Toshiyuki TAKEZAWA, Kiyohiro SHIKANO, Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO, Hitoshi IIDA

ATR Symposium on Basic Research for Telephone Interpretation

Abstract:ATR Symposium on Basic Research for Telephone Interpretation (ASTI) is held on two days long from 11th Dec.1989. Open house of ATR is also held on 13th Dec. 21 persons from foreign countries and 103 persons from Japan attended the symposium together with 50 ATR people. The discussion is devided 6 technical sessions and 2 panel discussions. Integrated processing of speech and language is the main theme of the symposium. Constraints from language models are useful to make the perplexity lower. Linguistic knowledges are extracted from language database to be used for speech recognition and/or machine translation. Machine translation techniques of spoken dialogues are also discussed. Dialogue based approach of machine translation between human and machine is proposed.