TR-I-0124 :1989. 11

David Carter

Efficient Disjunctive Unification in a Bottom-Up Shift-Reduce Parser

Abstract:This report describes two novel techniques which, when applied together, in practice significantly reduce the time required for unifying disjunctive feature structures. The first is a safe but fast method for discarding irrelevant disjunctions from newly-created structures. The second reduces the time behaviour of checking the consistency of a structure from exponential to polynomial in the number of disjunctions, except in cases that, it will be argued, should be very unusual in practical systems. The techniques are implemented in Propane, an experimental Japanese analyser that uses the large, existing disjunctive Japanese and lexicon created for the Nadine system. Propane is a shift-reduce parser whose behaviour is guided by the preference in Japanese for left-branching structures. The effectiveness of both the parsing and unification strategies is assessed. The results suggest that the parsing algorithm combines the expected efficiency with a promising degree of accuracy, while the time required or unification is much reduced from that of exponential algorithms.