TR-H-0002 :1992.7.3 ( Internal Use )

Mitsuo Kawato, Hiroaki Gomi, Masazumi Katayama, Yasuharu Koike

Supervised Learning for Coordinative Motor Control

Abstract:Fast, smooth and coordinated movements in humans and animals cannot be realized by pure feedback control only because delays associated with feedback loops are long (about 200 ms for visual feedback and 100 ms for somatosensory feedback) and feedback gains are low in biological motor control systems [23]. Additionally, feedback controllers such as the commonly used PID (proportional, integral and derivative) controllers do not incorporate predictive dynamic and/or kinematic knowledge of controlled objects or environments. Feedforward control, however, explicitly incorporates such predictive internal models, and appears to be essential at least for relatively fast movements. Two different approaches have been proposed for feedforward motor control: learning of internal models of the controlled object [3, 36, 6, 31], and the virtual trajectory control hypothesis [12, 22]. The second approach is quite attractive if some simple virtual trajectory can realize observed trajectories that are roughly straight [51, 1], because it implies that complicated calculation of torque (in other words, the inverse dynamics problem) need not be addressed. In this chapter, we ask two fundamental questions about the computational study of motor control. The first one is: does the brain use internal models of motor apparatus and the environment for motor control? We propose that the answer is yes. Then we ask, if the brain uses internal models, where are they stored and how are they acquired? We propose that at least some of the internal models are stored in the cerebellar cortex and that they are acquired by supervised motor learning based on long term depression. We first show some invariant features of multi-joint arm movements that suggest feedforward control is operative. Then, we examine the virtual trajectory control hypothesis, in which internal models of motor apparatus are usually assumed to be unnecessary. We critically examine a virtual trajectory control hypothesis based on recently measured, low mechanical stiffness values during human movement, and showed that internal models of the motor apparatus are necessary even for this virtual trajectory control hypothesis. We then compare several computational schemes for acquiring internal neural models through supervised motor learning. We explain, in detail, the feedback-error-learning scheme that we proposed and applied to robot trajectory control. Convergence of synaptic weights and trajectories in this scheme are mathematically examined based on an averaging of the stochastic differential equation and Lyapunov method. Finally, based on this feedback-error-learning scheme, we propose computationally coherent models of different regions of the cerebellum.