TR-C-0093 :1993.12.28


What You Say Is What You See

-Interactive Generation, Manipulation and Modification of 3-D Shapes Based on Verbal Descriptions-

Abstract:The advent of virtual reality(VR) introduced a paradigm for human-to-human communication in which 3-D shapes can be manipulated in real time in a new kind of computer supported cooperative workspace (CSCW) (Takemura and Kishino, 1992). However, mere manipulation - either with 3-D input devices (e.g., the DataGlove™) or with spoken language (Mochizuki and Kishino, 1991) - does not do justice to this new paradigm, which could prove to be revolutionary for human-to-human and human-to-machine-communication. This paper discusses the possibility to provide the means for YR-based CSCW participants not only to interactively manipulate, but also to generate and modify 3-D shapes with verbal descriptions, aided with simple hand gestures. To this end, the paper also proposes a framework for interactive indexing of knowledge-level descriptions (Newell, 1982; Tijerino and Mizoguchi, 1993) of human intentions to a symbol-level representation based on deformable superquadrics (Pentland, 1986; Horikoshi and Kasahara, 1990; Terzopoulos, 1991). This framework, at least, breaks ground in integration of natural language with interactive computer graphics.