Object Manipulation and Layout in a 3D Virtual Space
using a Combination of Natural Language and Hand Pointing
Abstract:Several designers or other participants located long distances apart will work creatively by manipulating objects in a 3D virtual space using realistic sensations. Although there has been considerable research on hand manipulation for cooperative work, to date all such work has been left to human judgement. We think it is vital to make such work easier to perform with artificial intelligence technique. We propose a 3D object manipulation and layout technique in a 3D virtual space using a combination of an abstract natural language and hand pointing to recognize the purpose of a manipulator. This technique quantitatively transforms verbal semantics into a spatial region which uses the probability functions corresponding to some indication word. Also, it uses knowledge about each object, e.g. the back of the bookshelf must be attached to the wall. And it will be performed with the indication from hand movement which is sensed using a 3D position tracker and Data Glove[TM] to dissolve the ambiguous selection of candidate. As examples, we show manipulation and layout in a 3D virtual room containing a table, chair, bookshelf, desk, etc.