TR-C-0080 :1993.1.11


Spartial Relationship-based Scene Access by Natural Language Description

Abstract:Cooperative work in virtual space as a form of communication with realistic sensations is anticipated as an advanced application method. We propose that a number of designers or other participants located long distances apart will be work creatively by manipulation of 3D objects selected from a 3D object model database with a hand and a natural language interface. The problem with spatial indication includes an ambiguity of natural language description depend on a manipulator's view point and a difference of spatial regions indicated according to individual concept. Accordingly, we defined the probability functions so as to transform the words to vision media. Moreover, we proposed a user model with private key words and a user model with parameters of the probability functions. Next we introduce an experimental system: 3D-SPARS (3-Dimensional SPAtial Relationship-based scene access System) which can understand individual, ambiguous queries and take in consideration of the view point. Using these techniques, object manipulation, layout and generation in a virtual space using a natural language interface for 3D spatial relationship-based scene access will be practical in use.