TR-AC-0013 :1997.12.8


Experimental Observations of Dynamic Properties in External Cavity Semiconductor Laser with Multi-Mode Oscillation

Abstract:Laser diodes with optical feedback attract considerable attention both as a physical model of nonlinear optical systems and from the application point of view. The stability and instability of laser diodes with optical feedback oscillating in a single mode have been widely investigated and various phenomena including chaos have been reported in single mode models. [1-4] Besides the intensity fluctuations in the light output of the laser, the external optical feedback also induces spectral instabilities including coherence collapse and mode hopping. [5,6] A multimode model has been assumed when performing feedback-induced noise control using high frequency injection current modulation in compound cavity laser diodes. [7] Recently, a method for adaptive mode selection has been proposed using the feedback-induced mode competitions among longitudinal modes of a Fabry-Perot laser diode. [8,9] For both of the above applications, it is strongly required that the feedback-induced dynamics of multimode laser diodes be experimentally clarified. The purpose of this report is to report the results of an experimental investigation of mode hopping and high frequency modulation behavior of a compound cavity laser diode with multi-modes. The compound cavity laser diode oscillates in single-, two-, or multi-modes depending on the feedback and injection parameters. By analyzing the light output of a particular longitudinal mode using a monochrometer, the mode hopping of the compound cavity laser diode is observed and the mode dwelling time distribution is investigated. The low frequency fluctuations (LFF) are also observed. Though the LFF is usually observed in a compound cavity laser diode with single mode oscillation, it is also observed here in a multimode case in our experiment. The LFF induced by a high frequency modulation of injection current is also investigated.