Optical Signal Processing Multibeam Array
Antennas for both Transmission and Reception
Abstract:technology to microwave array antennas for signal processing and beam formation.
However, there have been few practical systems reported, and no report has been made
on practical multibeam applications and its receive mode. This technical report
summarizes the research works on the optical signal processing array antenna for
transmission and reception of multiple beams, which was conducted at ATR Adaptive
Communications Research Laboratory from April 1996 to August 1997. The beam
forming network (BFN) of this antenna was achieved by using Fourier optics
principles and optical heterodyne techniques. In Chapter 1, the structure of the optical
processing feed is given along with consideration of overlapping multiple beams
generation. The systems parameter design method and evaluation of optical power loss
during processing are also described. A proof-of-concept experimental demonstration
of the optical processor used for a 2-beam array antenna in the Ku is also shown in
Chapter 1. Ultra-wideband, ultra-stable and high-level microwave signals are obtained.
Measured amplitude and phase distributions of optical excitation to the array antenna
show very good agreement with the calculated results. In Chapter 2, the concept and
experimental examination of the receive mode of the optical processing multibeam array
antennas are given. In this receive mode, the generated RF signals by optical processor
will be shifted as LO signals, and the received RF beams will be discriminated in the
downconverted IF frequency domain by a mixer array between optical processor and
antenna elements. Chapter 3 gives a summary of this technical report and the problems
in the future development.