TR-A-0166 :1993.3.23



Abstract:音声の基本周波数(F0)の変化にともなう喉頭軟骨の位置変化を観測して、F0調節の生 理機構を考察した。F0上昇の生理機構は、主に輪状甲状筋による輪状軟骨、甲状軟骨の回転に よって行われることがよく知られている。しかし、F0の下降については輪状軟骨の弛緩だけで は説明できない問題があり、F0下降の生理機構は現在でも明らかにされていない。本研究では、 F0下降の生理機構の理解を目標として、磁気共鳴コンピュータ断層装置(MRI)を用いて約1~1.5 オクターブのF0範囲で持続発声を行なったときの喉頭の正中矢状断面の撮像を行なった。複数 の被験者の断層像より喉頭周囲構造の輪郭を抽出した。結果、F0の昇降におおむね従う喉頭の 上下動などの形態変化が観測された。F0下降においては、喉頭の下降にともない輪状軟骨の後 板が頸椎の自然湾曲に沿って移動する結果、声帯を短縮させる方向に輪状軟骨が回転する現象が 観測された。F0下降にともなう喉頭下降の現象や外喉頭筋の活動の理由はこの生理機構により 説明できると考えられる。

Abstract: Positional changes of laryngeal structures during F0 changes were measured in order to examined physiological mechanism of F0 lowering. It is widely known that F0 raising is mainly produced by the function of the cricothyroid muscle to activate the rotation between the crocoid and the thyroid cartilages. However, F0 lowering cannot be explained by the relaxation of the cricothyroid muscle, and its mechanism is still a physiological question to be examined. To this end, the present study adopted the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the midsagittal plane near the larynx. The images were taken using multiple subjects during repeated sustained phonation of a vowel in F0 range of approximately 1.0-1.5 octave. Manual shape extraction was performed to measure relative positional changes of laryngeal components associated with these F0 changes. In the results, vertical movement of the larynx was observed consistently in correlation with F0 levels. Towards lower F0, the rotation of the cricoid cartilage was observed associated with laryngeal descent. This rotation to the direction of shortening the vocal fold is produced by the lowering of the posterior plate of the cricoid cartilage along the physiological curvature of the cervical vertebra. The tendency of laryngeal descent and strap muscle activity in F0 lowering can be accounted for by this mechanism.