TR-A-0139 :1992.3.17

Taeko TSUKAMOTO and Yoh'ichi TOHKURA

The effects of tempo and pitch on the judgment of infant cries

Abstract:A perceptual experiment was performed to examine the effects of pitch and the interactions of pitch and tempo in three categories of cries: hunger, anger, and call. In each category, the duration and fundamental frequency (F0) of the cry stimuli were systematically varied by signal processing so as to keep their formant structure unchanged. After the training in classifying the cries, the subjects (60 women and 29 men) who had had no experience of infant care were instructed to identify the cry stimuli by making a forced choice among the three categories. The data for 38 women and 17 men who successfully learned the cry classification were analyzed. Results showed that the correct response rates shifted significantly by varying the tempo but rather less when F0 was varied across all categories. This indicates that tempo is a predominant perceptual cue for the judgment of cries.